Cecil Hills Public School

Believe and Achieve

Telephone02 9822 0504


Parent Information

School Hours

Bell times

Morning bell 8:20 am 
Teacher on duty
Lessons Commence 8:50 am
'Crunch and Sip' fruit or vegetable and water break Approximately 10 am
 5 minute eating time with teacher 10:45–10:50 am
Recess play time 10:50–11:10 am
Mid-Morning Lessons 11:10–1 pm
10 minute eating time with teacher 1–1:10 pm
Lunch - Play 1:10–1:50 pm
Afternoon Lessons 1:50–2:50 pm
Whole School Dismissal 2:50 pm


Office hours: 8:30 am–3 pm


Students are expected to wear school uniform at all times to encourage a sense of community and identification with the schools values. Wide brimmed Cecil Hills Public School, legionnaire or slouch hats are the accepted item of headwear. The uniform shop can be accessed online through the school's website. Once your order has been processed it will be ready for collection from the school office.

Wet Weather

During wet weather students stay in the classroom. (Children must not arrive before 8:20 am). The school encourages raincoats and hats rather than umbrellas where possible.


Should your child become sick and be unable to attend school, you can complete an absence report for the class teacher. Alternatively on his/her return, you can write a brief note to the class teacher, explaining the nature of the illness and the date away. You do not need to phone the school, unless the illness is an infectious disease or particularly serious and the absence is expected to extend more than three days. You must contact the school immediately of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, German measles, mumps, whooping cough, conjunctivitis and impetigo.


The school canteen is an independently leased operation and is presently open Monday – Friday for the children to buy their recess and lunch. The children assist by writing out their lunch orders before 8:50 am. A canteen price list can be obtained from the office or on the website. Parents are also able to order their children's lunch online. This rids the need for change or money to be given to students and allows you to order from home or at work. Please see the menu and ordering process here.


Homework is designed to consolidate what your child is learning in the classroom. Each grade has different expectations of the type and quantity of homework completed each week. Class teachers will inform you of their expectations at the beginning of the school year.

Parent-Teacher Interviews and Student Reports

A child's successful schooling depends on close cooperation between the school and parents and teachers welcome the opportunity to speak with parents about a student's progress. It is important to ring the school first or speak to the class teacher directly to make an appointment time. This allows the teacher to set aside sufficient time to speak with you without interruption.

All parents will be given the opportunity to speak with their child's teacher at the mid-year parent interviews. Detailed written reports about student's progress are sent out twice per year, in June and December.


Kinder – Year 2 assembly is held every fortnight. A Year 3–6 assembly is also held every fortnight. These assemblies serve many valuable purposes as it gives children the chance to gather information about coming events, sporting events and what is going on in other classes. The assembly also gives many children an opportunity to collect special awards and it is the first chance for many to speak to/before a large gathering. Assemblies are regarded as an important part of the school curriculum. We come together to celebrate and recognise achievements by students in their school endeavours. Parents are very welcome to attend and enjoy our celebration of achievements.