Cecil Hills Public School

Believe and Achieve

Telephone02 9822 0504


Sport and Physical Activity

Sport is an important part of the culture at Cecil Hills Public School. All students K-6 participate weekly in a range of sporting activities such as the annual Swimming Carnival and Athletics Carnival, Cross-Country Running, weekly PSSA (Primary School Sports Association) competitions, school based sport and Rugby League and AFL development clinics.

Our sporting houses have developed a fine tradition of excellence in sport and are always vocal at sporting carnivals our houses are

| Spencer - Yellow | Edinburgh - Green | Sandringham - Red | Leopold - Blue |

Students in Years 3 to 6 have the opportunity to participate in PSSA sport. PSSA competitions run every Friday, with students leaving school to play against students from other schools. The sports offered at Cecil Hills Public School are:

Summer (Terms 1 and 4)

  • Cricket
  • Oz-Tag
  • T-Ball (Year 3 and 4)
  • Softball (Year 5 and 6) 

Winter (Terms 2 and 3)

  • Basketball
  • Soccer
  • Rugby League
  • Netball